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Children’s Workshop Play-Based Curriculum

Children’s Workshop focuses on child’s strengths by using

the play-based, child-centered HighScope Curriculum.

HighScope features active learning as its core and is

grounded in research. HighScope believes (and their

research proves) that active learning is the key to positive

child outcomes and school readiness. In our classrooms,

children are guided to explore, interact, and exercise their

creative imagination through purposeful play. Children’s

Workshop’s Staff are well prepared to support and extend

each student’s learning, based on their developmental

levels, so children enter school ready and eager to learn.

The HighScope Curriculum is uniquely designed to

provide a rich academic foundation while promoting

independence, decision making, cooperation, creativity,

and problem solving in young children. How? The

HighScope Curriculum includes learning objectives,

effective adult interaction strategies, and assessment

measures that help programs ensure a high-quality

experience for all students. The staff uses “learning

without tears” in our classrooms to supplement our play-

based curriculum.

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